May 14, 2020
Should my business be on Youtube?
Wondering whether Youtube is the right platform for you business? The main consideration we take into account when advising clients is: where’s your target audience? If they’re on the platform, and it lends itself to the kind of content that makes sense for your business, then the answer is yes, get on it.

Here’s who you can expect to find on Youtube:

  • 62% of users are male
  • 15-25 year olds are most active on the platform
  • Interestingly, 35+ and 55+ age groups are the fastest growing
  • There’s a total of 2 billion users worldwide
  • Users prefer to watch YouTube on mobile by a long way

Sounding like it might be a good match? Well not to point out the obvious but… we’ll do it anyway. If it’s a yes to target audience, then the next question is: can you produce great video content or outsource it to someone who can? As always, there’s little point in doing something half baked. If you’re going to associate your brand with this content, make it good. If video content is something you’d like to learn more about, head over to our courses where you can find our Video Workshop.

Now that plug’s over and done with, back to our point: if engaging and valuable video content is out of your reach for the moment, no worries! Put this on the back burner and revisit it when you’re in the position to. If it’s something you’re ready to dive into now, here are three things to consider when creating and implementing your strategy on YouTube.

Users are on YouTube to learn

Before you launch into creating your videos, ask yourself: am I teaching something through my content? Solving a problem? Adding value? Considering why you use YouTube yourself and we bet it’s often to learn something. How to make the perfect chocolate cake… fix the damn leaking tap… paint an ugly mural to fill iso time (*cough* Victoria).

Follow the trend

Often, a certain video format or type of content will trend on YouTube, similar to Tik Tok. It might be a makeup look that everyone is copying and doing that same tutorial, or a type of interview (think 73 questions with Vogue). Following the trend and creating a video for your business that makes sense in your context can be a really easy way of boosting those views – you already know that people are searching for this content. Similarly, if one of your videos has done really well, then make more along those same lines. 

Descriptions and titles matter

YouTube and Google work in a similar way – consider keywords like you would in a blog post. Put a bit of extra time and effort into your description and you can be rewarded with higher search rankings in the YouTube list. Don’t be afraid of a few words here, the more the search engine has to scan, the more likely you are to tick certain search boxes which tells YouTube yours is the kind of content that the user is looking for. Keep in mind that only the first 140ish characters of your description are shown in the search results so use those words wisely to grab the attention of viewers. Titles are also very important for similar reasons. Ask yourself what viewers would literally type into the search bar when looking for your kind of content and title the video accordingly. Again, the first few words are the most important so make them count!

Want to learn more about which channels suit your business? Have a look at our Digital Marketing Course.